.Management Sciences
Category: Sociology Mcqs
Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of history ?
A. the mode of production
B. the motor of history
C. the history of class struggle
D. the spirit of capitalism
In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had_____________?
A. relatively open class systems
B. extensive social mobility
C. a much more rigid division of labor by gender
D. all of the above
Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education ?
A. bestowing status
B. transmitting knowledge
C. promoting social and political change
D. all of the above
Which sociological perspective points out that while pure monopolies are not a basic element of the economy of the United States competition is much more restricted than one might expect in what is called a free enterprise system ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory
The term inter-generational mobility refers to______________?
A. movement into a different occupational category over a person’s lifetime
B. movement into different occupational categories between generations
C. movement into a higher occupational category
D. movement into an occupation that generates a lower income
Which of the following describes a central change in contemporary life that has been identified by futurists ?
A. The United States is being restructured from an agrarian to an industrial society
B. Modern societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy
C. High tech industries are becoming energy-and materials-intensive
D. all of the above
Karl Marx,s view of the struggle between social classes inspired the contemporary ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. dramaturgical approach
Society is a complex organization of parts that function to fulfil the requirements and promote the needs of the whole is a concept of________________?
A. structural functionalism
B. interaction school of thought
C. Phenom ology
D. None of these
Which one of the following is exposed to an independent variable ?
A. the control groups
B. the representative group
C. the experimental group
D. none of the above
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