.Management Sciences
Category: Mechanical Engineering Mcqs
Theoretically, the following engine should have maximum efficiency________________?
A. gas engine
B. 2-stroke S.I. engine
C. 4-stroke S.I. engine
D. steam engine
E. 4-stroke C.I. engine
Induction hardening is the process of_____________________?
A. hardening surface of workpiece to ob-tain hard and wear resistant surface
B. heating and cooling rapidly
C. increasing hardness throughout
D. inducing hardness by continuous process
E. hardening core
Pick up false statement?
A. For petrol and large gas engines, quantity governingds preferred
B. In quantity governing, air fuel ratio is almost constant and quantity of charge is changed depending on load
C. In hit and miss governing, fuel supply is completely cut off during one or more number of cycles
D. In quality governing, quantity of fuel is varied to suit the load and total charge of air is varied
E. For close regulation of speed, combination of both quality and quantity governing is used
A riveted joint in which the number otrivets decrease from innermost to outer most row is called__________________?
A. chain riveted joint
B. diamond riveted joint
C. criss-cross riveted joint
D. zig-zag riveted joint
E. none of the above
Carbon steel is_______________?
A. made by adding carbon in steel
B. refined from cast iron
C. an alloy of iron and carbon with varying quantities of phosphorus and sulphur
D. extensively used for making cutting tools
E. extremely brittle
Thermal efficiency of well maintained boiler will be of the order___________________?
A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 75%
E. 90%
Surface tension__________________?
A. acts in the plane of the interface normal to any line in the surface
B. is also known as capillarity
C. is a function of the curvature of the interface
D. decreases with fall in temperature
E. has no units
The steam temperature with increase in load in case of a boiler fitted with radiation super heater________________?
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unaffected
D. first increases and then decreases
E. unpredictable
Jam nut is a locking device in which _____________________?
A. one smaller nut is tightened over main nut and main nut tightened against smaller one by loosening, creating friction jamming
B. a slot is cut partly in middle of nut and then slot reduced by tightening a screw
C. a hard fiber or nylon cotter is recessed in the nut and becomes threaded as the nut is screwed on the bolt causing a tight grip
D. through slots are made at top and a cotter-pin is passed through these and a hole in the bolt, and cotter spitted and bent in reverse direction at other end
E. none of the above
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