.Management Sciences
Category: Food Technology
The storage life of dried fruit at 32ºF with R.H of 60% is___________________?
A. 4-6 months
B. 6-8 months
C. 9-12 months
D. 8-10 months
fumerase is an example of_____________________?
A. Ligase enzyme
B. Isomerases enzyme
C. Lysose enzyme
D. Hydrolase enzyme
In preparation of fruit juices, pickles and carbonated beverages the preservative used is _____________________?
A. Proconic acid
B. Benzonic acid
C. Parabens
D. All the above
The fermented dairy products are_____________________?
A. Cheese and yoghurt
B. Butter and cream
C. Cream and ice cream
D. All the above
the enzyme that destroys vitamin B-1 is__________________?
A. Oxalate
B. Phenolase
C. Thiaminase
D. None of the above
The storage life of grape fruit at 50ºF with R.H of 90% is _____________________?
A. 2-3 weeks
B. 4-6 weeks
C. 4-8 weeks
D. 10 weeks
For preservation of fruit dehydration is carried out by_____________________?
A. Vacuum drier
B. Tunnel drier
C. Puff drying
D. all the above
Yoghurt,cheese, pickles are included in_________________?
A. Fermented food
B. Dehydrated food
C. Simple food
D. Preserved food
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