.Management Sciences
Category: Sociology Mcqs
Early theories of collective behavior emphasized ________ a view that crowd behavior is like a mental illness that a person cannot resist ?
A. contagion
B. convention
C. group thinks
D. expressiveness
E. reformation
Norbert Elias argued that effective communication systems have an evolutionary survival value How did he illustrate this in humans ?
A. by studying whole body language
B. by studying the face
C. by studying sign language
D. by studying small tribal groups
A ___________ is a substantial number of people who interact on the basis of loosely defined norms ?
A. craze
B. group
C. contagion
D. collectivity
E. mob
A researcher examines the literature written by Black novelists during the “Negro Renaissance” (1913-1935) to see if they reflect the political movements going on in the Black community in the United States at that time What type of research methodology is being used in this example ?
A. secondary analysis
B. interviews
C. observation
D. content analysis
Research indicates that effective schools______________?
A. foster the expectation that order will prevail in the classroom
B. leave discipline up to the individual teacher
C. emphasize the “whole student” over academic concerns
D. foster an atmosphere in which students are carefully monitored to ensure that they meet their obligations
Resistance to certain aspects of development and social change in an effort to neutralize their efforts is called________________?
A. countermovement
B. social amelioration
C. counter modernization
D. countenance
E. post modernization
The nuclear family means_____________?
A. a group of people sharing living accommodation and meals
B. a network of relatives extended within or between generations
C. the new family created when an adult leaves home and gets married
D. a two-generation unit of parents and their children
which sociological perspective emphasizes that government has a strong interest in encouraging adoption ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory
Weber,s famous study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904/5) was part of a larger project to study what ?
A. Christianity,s influence in the West
B. the influence of the world religions on social development
C. how salvation beliefs have shaped the modern world economy
D. the impact of capitalism on the world religions
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