.Management Sciences
Category: Sociology Mcqs
To what does the term the new migration refer ?
A. movement from Britain to commonwealth countries
B. movement from former colonies to European countries
C. movement from European countries to Africa
D. movement between European countries
Which of the following has NOT been identified as a potential consequence of global warming ?
A. falls in agricultural yields
B. the spread of disease
C. the use of unclear energy
D. a rise in sea levels
Carolyn supported her family by working as an administrative assistant She also attended law school and passed the bar she took a job with a small firm specializing in family law Carolyn experienced______________?
A. horizontal mobility
B. transgenerational mobility
C. vertical mobility
D. geographic mobility
Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of history ?
A. the mode of production
B. the motor of history
C. the history of class struggle
D. the spirit of capitalism
In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had_____________?
A. relatively open class systems
B. extensive social mobility
C. a much more rigid division of labor by gender
D. all of the above
Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education ?
A. bestowing status
B. transmitting knowledge
C. promoting social and political change
D. all of the above
Which sociological perspective points out that while pure monopolies are not a basic element of the economy of the United States competition is much more restricted than one might expect in what is called a free enterprise system ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory
The term inter-generational mobility refers to______________?
A. movement into a different occupational category over a person’s lifetime
B. movement into different occupational categories between generations
C. movement into a higher occupational category
D. movement into an occupation that generates a lower income
Which of the following describes a central change in contemporary life that has been identified by futurists ?
A. The United States is being restructured from an agrarian to an industrial society
B. Modern societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy
C. High tech industries are becoming energy-and materials-intensive
D. all of the above
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