.Management Sciences
Category: English Literature Mcqs
Although Charles Johnson’s Oxherding Tales is based on his Buddhist beliefs, he meant the novel to be a reworking of an American genre, the slave narrative. In what way is the novel, despite its philosophical underpinnings, an exemplar of the slave narrative ?
A. Its character’s movement from slavery to freedom.
B. Its emphasis on Christian ideals.
C. The novel’s sensationalist scenes of violence.
D. Its didactic (teaching) tone of voice.
In The Book of the City of Ladies, what is the function of the character Reason ?
A. she offers real reasons as to why women are valuable to society
B. she literally helps build the city
C. she helps the narrator see the merits of women
D. All of the Above
What role does Rosario play in the Gothic atmosphere of “The Monk” ?
A. Queer provocateur
B. Heroine in distress
C. Angel in the house
D. Pursued protagonist
The poem ’The Battle of Maldon’ celebrates events which took place in the 10th century, but who was it between______________?
A. Danes and English
B. Dutch and English
C. Normans and English
D. French and English
Which of the following figures of speech are present in Finnegans Wake ?
A. allusions
B. jokes
C. portmanteaus
D. All of the Above
Who called Dryden the Father of English Criticism ?
A. Joseph Addison
B. Dr. Johnson
C. Coleridge
D. Matthew Arnold
In the play, “Macbeth,” who is the goddess of witchcraft ?
A. Lennox
B. Lady Macbeth
C. The porter
D. Hecate
What is the stated subject of Paradise Lost ?
A. The fight between good and evil
B. Heaven’s battle and Satan’s tragic fall
C. The creation of the universe
D. Adam and Eve’s disobedience
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