.Management Sciences
Category: Ages, era, period
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens involves which two cities ?
A. London and Rome
B. Paris and Rome
C. London and Paris
D. Berlin and London
Whose great Dictionary, published in 1755, included more than 114,000 quotations ?
A. William Hogarth
B. Jonathan Swift
C. Samuel Johnson
D. Ben Jonson
Which work exposes the frivolity of fashionable London ?
A. Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe
B. Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels
C. Behn’s Oroonoko
D. Pope’s The Rape of the Lock
Which of the following was not considered a type of the alienated, romantic visionary ?
A. Prometheus
B. Satan
C. Cain
D. George III
Who wrote: “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my works ye mighty, and despair!” ?
A. Lord Byron
B. Percy Bysshe Shelley
C. William Woodsworth
D. Emily Dickinson
What was the relationship between Victorian poets and the Romantics ?
A. The Romantics remained largely forgotten until their rediscovery by T. S. Eliot in the 1920s.
B. The Victorians were disgusted by the immorality and narcissism of the Romantics.
C. The Romantics were seen as gifted but crude artists belonging to a distant, semibarbarous age.
D. The Victorians were strongly influenced by the Romantics and experienced a sense of belatedness.
To what did the word the roman, from which the genre of “romance”emerged, initially apply ?
A. a work derived from a Latin text of the Roman Empire
B. a story about love and adventure
C. a Roman official
D. a work written in the French vernacular
Who wrote: “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” ?
A. William Carlos Williams
B. T.S. Eliot
C. Ernest Hemingway
D. Hart Crane
Which was not among the newgenres promoted by poets such as Jonson, Donne, and Herbert ?
A. the Petrarchan sonnet
B. the classical satire
C. the country-house poem
D. the epigram
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