Category: Ages, era, period

Which of the following best defines Utilitarianism ?

A. a farming technique aimed at maximizing productivity with the fewest tools
B. a moral arithmetic, which states that all humans aim to maximize the greatest pleasure to the greatest number
C. a critical methodology stating that all words have a single meaningful function within a given piece of literature
D. a philosophy dictating that we should only keep what we use on a daily basis.

What factors contributed to the increased popularity of nonfiction prose ?

A. a new market position for nonfiction writing and an exalted sense of the didactic function of the writer
B. a Puritanical distrust of fictions and a thirst for trivia
C. the forbiddingly high cost of threevolume novels and the difficulty of finding poetry in bookshops outside of London
D. the deconstruction of the truth-fiction dichotomy and an accompanying relativistic sense that every opinion was of equal value