.Management Sciences
Category: Statistics Mcqs
The Laspeyres and Paasche index are examples of_________________?
A. Aggregate index numbers
B. Weighted index numbers
C. Weighted price index only
D. Weighted quantity index only
You asked five of your classmates about their height. On the basis of this information, you stated that the average height of all students in your university or college is 67 inches. This is an example of ?
A. Descriptive statistics
B. Inferential Statistics
C. Parameter
D. Population
Which branch of statistics deals with the techniques that are used to organize, summarize, and present the data?
A. Advance Statistics
B. Descriptive Statistics
C. Inferential Statistics
D. Bayesian Statistics
Let X1,X2,…Xn be a random sample from the density f(x;(θ), where θ may be vector. If the conditional distribution of X1,X2,…Xn given S=s does not depend on θ for any value of s of S, then statistic is called?
A. Minimal sufficient statistic
B. Sufficient statistic
C. Efficient
D. Minimax statistics
Population census is conducted through_______________?
A. Sample survey
B. Accounting
C. Investigation
D. Complete enumeration
Non-sample errors are reduced by:________________?
A. Increasing the sample size
B. Reduced the amount of data
C. Decreasing the sample standard deviation
D. None of these
The sum of squares of deviation is least if measure from__________?
A. Mean
B. Mode
C. Median
D. Variance
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