.Management Sciences
Category: Social Institutions
Stones research suggests that prior to industrialization the nuclear family ?
A. a did not exist in any form
B. had begun to disappear as extended networks of kin became more important
C. had begun to emerge through the separation of work and home life
D. was simply another institution of patriarchal control?
Alice aged 7 lives in a private home with her parents her grandmother and her aunt Alice,s family is an example of a (n)_____________?
A. nuclear family
B. dysfunctional family
C. extended family
D. polygynous family
Which theoretical perspective sees the family as benefiting some people more than others ?
A. conflict
B. functionalist
C. interactionist
D. structuralist
Aalia aged 7 lives in a private home with her parents her grandmother and her aunt Alice,s family is an example of a(n)?
A. nuclear family
B. dysfunctional family
C. extended family
D. polygynous family
Which of these trends did the New Right not suggest as evidence of declining family values ?
A. the tendency for cohabitation before marriage
B. the rising divorce rates
C. the absence of fathers in many households
D. the increasing number of single parent families
The biggest difference between the theories of Freud and Erikson is that Erikson believed ?
A. That culture rather than biology plays the biggest part in socialization
B. that psychology is the dominant theory the social sciences
C. that biology/genetics explains everything
D. that there is no such thing as a superego
E. that men lacks a system of checks and balances in his life
Which of the following is NOT one of the ethical religions ?
A. Buddhism
B. Confucianism
C. Hinduism
D. Taoism
Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of religion in human society ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. each of the above
Grandparents aunts and uncles and cousins are all examples of a (n) _____ family ?
A. bilateral
B. extended
C. polyandry
D. nuclear
E. distant
According to Mead the socialized self means that_____________?
A. we are constantly learning
B. we are capable of achieving at a maximum capacity
C. we are shaped by the primary agents of socialization in our life
D. we think before we act
E. we have learned enough to function independently
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