.Management Sciences
Category: Social Institutions
Which one of the following is the most basic manifest function of education ?
A. bestowing status
B. transmitting knowledge
C. promoting social and political change
D. all of the above
which sociological perspective emphasizes that government has a strong interest in encouraging adoption ?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. labeling theory
The family structure has been profoundly altered by the twin processes of _______ and __________ ?
A. industrialization/vertical mobility
B. industrialization/urbanization
C. urbanization/vertical mobility
D. industrialization /horizontal mobility
E. horizontal mobility /vertical mobility
What term describes ties between individuals established through marriage or blood ?
A. family
B. kinship
C. network
D. tribe
A. is the preferred type of marriage in more than 40 per cent of societies?
B. is generally available to all men in societies where it is permitted
C. tend to be favored where large families are advantageous and women make substantial contributions to subsistence
D. usually involves the right of younger brothers to have sexual access to their brothers’ wives
In contemporary societies social institutions are_______________?
A. highly specialized interrelated sets of social practices
B. disorganized social relations in a postmodern world
C. virtual communities in cyberspace
D. no longer relevant to sociology
Modern day sociologists have applied Erikson,s model to_______________?
A. early childhood
B. adolescence
C. infancy
D. young adulthood
E. later life
The shift from civil religion to common religion means that_______________?
A. the increasing bureaucracy of the state has made religion only a marginal part of our lives
B. despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense remain shaped by religious beliefs and values
C. religious participation in collective worship may have declined but people still practice their faiths in private
D. people are much more likely to discuss their religious beliefs in public informal settings
Stones research suggests that prior to industrialization the nuclear family ?
A. a did not exist in any form
B. had begun to disappear as extended networks of kin became more important
C. had begun to emerge through the separation of work and home life
D. was simply another institution of patriarchal control?
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