.Management Sciences
Category: Microbiology
The difference between sterilization and disinfection is that_______________?
A. Disinfection kills all spores but sterilization does not
B. Sterilization kills all spores but disinfection does not
C. Sterilization involves chemicals and disinfection involves physical methods
D. Sterilization is easier to achieve
Staphylococci typically occur in_________________?
A. Pairs
B. Chains
C. Tetrads
D. Irregular clusters
The commonest method of detection of diptheria carriers is_______________?
A. Schick test
B. Dick test
C. Casoni’s test
D. Charles’ test
Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) usually occurs when CD4 Lymphocyte counts are_____________?
A. Above 600
B. Between 1000-2000
C. Below 200
D. Above 2000
The following is not true of Candida albicans______________?
A. Yeast like fungus
B. Forms Chlamydospores
C. Blastomeres seen in isolates
D. Seen in immunocompromised and causes meningitis in them
Portion of immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight to 50000_________________?
A. Secretory piece
B. H chain
C. L chain
D. J piece
Hepatitis A virus is best diagnosed by______________?
A. IgM antibodies in serum
B. Isolation form stool
C. Culture from blood
D. Isolation from bile
A person working in an abattoir presented with a papule on hand, which turned in to an ulcer. Which will best help in diagnosis______________?
A. Trichrome Methylene blue
B. Carbol Fuschin
C. Acid Fast Stain
D. Calcoflour White
The binding site for complement on the IgG molecule is in the________________?
A. VL domian
B. CL domian
C. CH1 domian
D. CH2 domian
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