.Management Sciences
Category: Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines
For supplying intermittent small quantity of air at high pressure, following compressor is best suited__________________?
A. centrifugal
B. reciprocating
C. axial
D. screw
E. turbo jet
The thermodynamic efficiency of rotary compressor is based on_______________?
A. isothermal compression
B. adiabatic compression
C. isentropic compression
D. polytropic compression
E. none of the above
In the axial flow gas turbine, the work ratio is the ratio of____________________?
A. compressor work and turbine work
B. output and input
C. actual total head tempeature drop to the isentrpic total head drop from total head inlet to static head outlet
D. actual compressor work and theoretical comprssor work
E. none of the above
Pick up the wrong statement ?
A. centrifugal compressors deliver prac-tically constant pressure over a considerable range of capacities
B. Axial flow compressors have a sub-stantially constant delivery at variable pressures
C. centrifugal compressors have a wider stable operating range than axial flow compressors
D. axial flow compressors are bigger in diameter compared to centrifugal type
E. axial flow compressors apt to be longer as compared to centrifugal type
Ram-jet engine__________________?
A. is self-operating at zero flight speed
B. is not self-operating at zero^flight speed
C. requires no air for its operation
D. produces a jet consisting of plasma
E. none of the above
A rocket engine for the combustion of its fuel_____________________?
A. carries its own oxygen
B. uses surrounding air
C. uses compressed atmospheric air
D. does not require oxygen
E. depends on electrical energy supplied by solar cells
The ratio of the increase in pressure in rotor blades to total increase in pressure in the stage is called__________________?
A. pressure ratio
B. pressure coefficient
C. degree of reaction
D. slip factor
E. stage factor
Turbofan engine employs ____________________ ?
A. one air stream
B. two or more air streams
C. no air stream
D. solid fuel firing
E. rocket principle for its operation
In air breathing jet engine, the jet is formed by expanding__________________?
A. gases
B. solids
C. liquid
D. plasma
E. highly heated atmospheric air
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