Category: English Literature Mcqs

What is affective fallacy ?

A. A term first used by literary theorists William Wimsatt and Monroe Beardsley
B. A term that suggests that a critic should study the structural and thematic elements of a poem rather than the effect it has on the emotions of the reader
C. An important term in the field of New Historicism
D. All of the above answers are correct.

What is the “double-bind” that African- American women poets encountered in the thirties and forties, according to Anthony Walton’s essay ?

A. Being overworked in menial jobs having to raise large families
B. Being a subordinated woman in a male dominated culture and a member of a suppressed minority race in the middle of a dominant white culture
C. Having little formal education with little access to publishers
D. Being ignored by a traditional poetry reading public because what they wrote about was the travails of subsistence living