Category: Modern Poetry and Poetics

WorldWar I drastically changed the political and cultural climate in Europe. Which of the following was NOT among the changes brought about by World War I ?

A. Germany was defeated and blamed for causing the war.
B. In the course of World War I, the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia.
C. Successful parliamentary democracies were established throughout the continent and remained stable until the outbreak of World War II in 1939.
D. By the end of the 1920s, almost every state that had participated in World War I faced an economic depression and political upheavals.

What is the “double-bind” that African- American women poets encountered in the thirties and forties, according to Anthony Walton’s essay ?

A. Being overworked in menial jobs having to raise large families
B. Being a subordinated woman in a male dominated culture and a member of a suppressed minority race in the middle of a dominant white culture
C. Having little formal education with little access to publishers
D. Being ignored by a traditional poetry reading public because what they wrote about was the travails of subsistence living