.Management Sciences
Category: Cultural and Literary in Modernity
Which of the following is true of Charles Baudelaire’s “Bénédiction” ?
A. It was originally written in English.
B. It celebrates the almost divine power of the poet.
C. It suggests that poetry is demonic in nature.
D. Both A and B
The French novelist J.K. Huysmans, in his work “Against the Grain,” is intended to convey which of the following ideas ?
A. The work celebrates the young Jean and his Jesuit school education as a model for the best possible education of the young.
B. It ends with the famous line “the horror, the horror.”
C. It explores Jean’s decision to become a recluse and a social drop-out.
D. All of the above
According to Walter Benjamin in “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” which of the following is true ?
A. “Even the most perfect reproduction of a work of art is lacking in one element: its presence in time and space, its unique existence at the place where it happens to be.”
B. “The feeling of strangeness that overcomes the actor before the camera, as Pirandello describes it, is basically of the same kind as the estrangement felt before one’s own image in the mirror.”
C. “All art work, even mass produced art, clearly links to an original referent that has a stable and knowable meaning.”
D. Both A and B
The development of cubism, with its geometric and abstract concerns, can be attributed largely to which of the following two artists ?
A. Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet
B. T.S. Eliot and Wyndham Lewis
C. Claude Monet and édouard Manet
D. George Braque and Pablo Picasso
Which author writes a profound criticism of Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness,” accusing Conrad of reinforcing typical European stereotypes of Africa ?
A. Chinua Achebe
B. Edward Said
C. Arundhati Roy
D. Salman Rushdie
According to Dr. Michael Webster in his essay, “Poetic Modes in the late 19th and early 20th Century,” which of the following is NOT a poetic mode of this time period ?
A. Genteel
B. Symbolist
C. Impressionist
D. Decadent
Surrealism became an official aesthetic movement of the modern period with the publication of which work ?
A. Andre Breton’s “Surrealist Manifesto”
B. James Joyce’s “Ulysses”
C. Ernest Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises”
D. T.S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland”
Which of the following authors is NOT an important Irish writer ?
A. Seamus Heaney
B. James Joyce
C. William Butler Yeats
D. E.M. Forster
Which of the following descriptions of the “Avant-Garde Movement” is false ?
A. The avant-garde, a military term meaning “advanced guard,” was founded in France in the mid-19th century.
B. The term avant-garde itself means “advanced guard,” and the military role of the advanced guard and the role of the avantgarde art movement are much of the same.
C. The realist painter Gustave Courbet never considered himself a member of the avant-garde.
D. Both A and B
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