.Management Sciences
Category: Romantic Period
Thomas and Henrietta Bowdler’s edition of The Family Shakespeare gave rise to the verb bowdlerize.What does it mean ?
A. the expurgation of indelicate language
B. the modernization of archaic vocabulary
C. the insertion of bawdy songs
D. the misspelling of simple words like theand and
Who remained without the vote following the Reform Bill of 1832 ?
A. about half of middle class men
B. almost all working class men
C. all women
D. A, B and C
What is the name for the process of dividing land into privately owned agricultural holdings ?
A. partition
B. segregation
C. enclosure
D. division
Which poet asserted in practice and theory the value of representing rustic life and language as well as social outcasts and delinquents not only in pastoral poetry, common before this poet’s time, but also as the major subject and medium for poetry in general ?
A. William Blake
B. Alfred Lord Tennyson
C. Samuel Johnson
D. William Wordsworth
Which of the following charges were commonly levelled at the novel by its detractors at the dawn of the Romantic era ?
A. Too many of its readers were women.
B. It required less skill than other genres.
C. It lacked the classical pedigree of poetry and drama.
D. all of the above
Which of the following became the most popular Romantic poetic form, following on Wordsworth’s claim that poetic inspiration is contained within the inner feelingsof the individual poet as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ?
A. the lyric poem written in the first person
B. the sonnet
C. doggerel rhyme
D. the political tract
Which of the following plays was actually performed on stage ?
A. Byron’s Manfred
B. Coleridge’s Remorse
C. Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound
D. Shelley’s The Cenci
Which of the following English groups were supportive of the French Revolution during its early years ?
A. Republicans
B. Liberals
C. Radicals
D. both B and C
Which of the following periodical publications (reviews and magazines) first appeared in the Romantic era ?
A. London Magazine
B. The Spectator
C. The Edinburgh Review
D. a and c only
According to a theater licensing act, repealed in 1843, what was meant by legitimate drama ?
A. The dramaturge and playwright had to be related.
B. All of the actors were male.
C. All of the actors were British.
D. The play was spoken.
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