.Management Sciences
Category: The Meaning and Measurement of Economic Development
The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) combines three indicators They are ?
A. infant mortality life expectancy and adult literacy rate
B. crime rate clean environment and quality of housing
C. air pollution rate, Water pollution rate and sanitation
D. health education and environment
Lespeyres type indexes use weights from_____________?
A. current period
B. base-period
C. forecasting
D. future year
The formula to calculate Passche price index is (o is the base year and n is the given year) ?
A. P = ΣPnqn/Σpoqn
B. P = ΣPoqo/Σpnqn
C. P = ΣPnqo/Σpoqo
D. P = ΣPnqn/Σpoqo
Imitating labor standards from rich countries in LDCs may increase ?
A. equality
B. poverty
C. employment
D. human development
Economic growth from current year (c) to previous year (p) is given by ?
A. [(GDPc – GDPp)/ DGPp]100
B. [(GDPc – GDPp) DGPp]100
C. GNPc – DGPp100)
D. [GDPp – GDPc]100
The three measure of welfare indicators above comprise the ?
A. Purchasing Power Parity
B. Physical Quality of Life Index
C. Human Development Index
D. The Laspeyres index
Which of the following is not a problem in comparing developed and developing countries GNP ?
A. GNP is understated for developed countries, since a number of items included in their national incomes are intermediate goods
B. The economic contribution of a housewife is a peasant family may not be measured is GNP is poor country
C. GNP in understated for developing countries since many of their labor intensive good have no impact on exchange rate since they are not traded
D. GNP is overstated for for countries where the price of foreign exchange is less than market clearing price
All of the following are low income countries except ?
A. United Arab Emirates
B. Armenia
C. Sudan
D. Bangladesh
PPP is ?
A. a theory that tells us that exchanged rates between currencies are in equilibrium when their purchasing power is the same in both countries
B. GDP divided by exchange rate
C. a measure of income inequality
D. a measure of infant mortality in developing countries
According to chapter 2 in the text which of the following is true ?
A. The boundary between rich and poor countries has become clearer in 1990s
B. The fastest growing countries must be the ones with the highest per capita GNP
C. A few poor countries like South Korea and Malaysia in the 1950s grew much more rapidly than some higher-income countries like Uruguay and New Zealand
D. Today all high and Upper-middle income countries are Western.
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