.Management Sciences
Category: Human Capital
The functional distribution of income shows how national income is divided between ?
A. employees
B. the population
C. the factors of production
D. the working population
Which of the following explanations of wage differentials is not likely to be true ?
A. Men have more human capital than women
B. Employers in competitive markets are bigots
C. Men have more job experience than women
D. None of the above
Which of the following is true regarding the earning of attractive versus unattractive workers ?
A. Attractive people tend to earn less because attractive people are viewed as shallow and more self-absorbed and therefore, as less productive
B. Attractive people tend to earn more because they may actually have a larger value of marginal product
C. Attractive people tend to earn more because attractive people usually have greater human capital
D. Attractive people tend to earn less because attractive people usually have less human capital
The substitution effect of a rise in the price of labour will ____ the quantity of labour and the output, effect will ____ it
A. increase; increase
B. increase; reduce
C. reduce; reduce
D. reduce; increase
Involuntary unemployment exists if workers ?
A. will not work at the offered wage
B. would work at the going wage but can’t find jobs
C. will not work because the hours are anti-social
D. Are not prepared to move house to get the job
According to the signaling view of the education ?
A. can make any worker into a superstar
B. increases human capital and the wages of workers
C. only helps firms sort workers into high ability and low-ability workers
D. reduces the wage gap between high-skill and low-skill workers.
Which of the following is likely to generate a compensating differential ?
A. One employee is more attractive than another
B. One employee is more educated than another
C. All of these answers generated
D. One employee works harder than another
E. One employee is willing to work the nightshift while another is not.
Which of the following could result in women being paid less than men ?
A. women obtaining less human capital because they don’t plan to work continuously to the age of retirement
B. Women entering and leaving the labour force to care for children
C. customers preferring to deal with men
D. women preferring to work in pleasant clean safe work places
E. all of these answers
All of the following would tend to increase a worker’s wage except ?
A. Working the night shift
B. working harder
C. more education
D. having a greater amount of natural ability
E. doing a job that is fun
In a competitive market, which of the following is least, likely to be the source of a persistent discriminatory wage differential ?
A. All of these answers could be source of a persistent discriminatory wage differential
B. the customer
C. the government
D. the employer
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