.Management Sciences
Category: Education, Health, And Human Capital
Simon S.Kuznets argues that the major stock of an economically advanced country is not its physical capital but ?
A. natural resources
B. body of knowledge
C. land
D. quantity of labor
In 2000, the Economist estimated that only _________ of some 360 million internet users were in Africa ?
A. 60 million
B. 10 million
C. 3 million
D. million
The disease burden could be measured by calculating _________ combining years lost through premature death and from living with disability?
A. mortality-adjusted lifelong
B. premature living age
C. life mortality-fertility ratio
D. disability-adjusted life years
The marginal product model assumes that ?
A. individuals pay the full cost of their education
B. government subsidizes schooling
C. education persons migrate more
D. capital and unskilled labor are complements
The emigration of highly-skilled people from the developing countries is known as ?
A. The brain drain
B. human capital deterioration
C. productivity
D. labor degradation
In a competitive economy, a worker earns an income equivalent to ?
A. The amount of brain drain
B. Marginal utility
C. Marginal Product
D. The substitutability of labor to capital
Which of the following is NOT true about child mortality ?
A. About 18 percent of the world’s deaths are among children less than five years old
B. More than 98 percent of child deaths were in LDCs
C. World-wide child mortality rates increased from 1990 to 2002
D. 19 of the 20 countries with the highest child mortality were in Africa
Labor productivity is higher in DCs such as Japan and Germany than LDCs due to ?
A. high formal education and training
B. better health and physical condition of the labor force
C. Both a and b are correct
D. None of the above is correct
Gunnar Myrdal argues that a major barrier to high labor productivity is ?
A. due to a lack of education
B. a class system in which the elite are contemptuous of manual work
C. upper-and middle-class westerners
D. The lack of bargaining power y cheap labor
Which of the following is not true ?
A. Development generally improves the health system while better health increases productivity social cohesion, and economic welfare
B. Life expectancy is probably the best single indicator of national health levels
C. Life expectancy in Africa increased steadily from 1994 to 2003 due to better health care
D. There are growing inequalities in investment in health worldwide
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