.Management Sciences
Category: Computer Mcqs
The thing that eventually terminates a worm virus is a lack of:
A. Memory or disk space.
B. Time.
C. CD drives space.
First page of Website is termed as__________?
A. Homepage
B. Index
C. JAVA script
D. Bookmark
In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals?
A. Analog computer
B. Digital computer
C. both
D. Hybrid Computer
Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?
A. Printer
B. Key board
C. Mouse
D. Arithmetic & Logic unit
To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is_____________?
A. Dragging
B. dropping
C. right-clicking
D. shift-clicking
PHP stands for ___________?
A. Processor Hypertext Program
B. Hypertext Preprocessor
C. Pre Hypertext Processor
D. Pre Processor Hypertext
Who is the father of Computer science?
A. Allen Turing
B. Charles Babbage
C. Simur Cray
D. Augusta Adaming
who invented the difference engine and analytical engine?
A. Vint cerf
B. Mark zukerberg
C. Charles Babbage
D. None
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