.Management Sciences
Category: Elements of Remote Sensing
Which one of the following statements is correct ?
A. The function of an information system is to improve one s ability to make decisions
B. The information system is the chain of operations
C. A map is a collection of stored, analysed data, its stored information is suitability used in making decisions
D. All the above
The arrangement of terrain features which provides attributes: the shape, size and texture of objects, is called_________________?
A. Spectral variation
B. Spatial variation
C. Temporal variation
D. None of these
Earth observations from a satellite platform provide____________?
A. Synoptic view of a large area
B. Constant solar zenith angles and similar illumination conditions
C. Repetitive observations of the same area with intervals of a few minutes to a few weeks
D. All of these
Consider the following statements regarding the satellite imaging_________________?
1. The satellite orbit is fixed in the inertial space
2. During successive across-track imaging, the earth rotates beneath the sensor
3. The satellite images a skewed area
Which one of the following statements is/are correct?
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 3
C. 2, 3
D. 1, 2
If flying height of a spacecraft is H, the length of air base is B and the parallax difference between two points is dp, then the difference in height___________________?
A. h = dp/(B/H)
B. h = (B/H) dp
C. h = dp/(H/B)
D. h = (H/B) dp
Pick up the important characteristic of a target which facilitates its identification from the following ?
A. Spectral variation
B. Spatial variation
C. Temporal variation
D. All of these
The spectral region of the electromagnetic radiation which passes through the atmosphere without much attenuation is known as__________________?
A. Ozone hole
B. Atmospheric window
C. Ozone window
D. Black hole
The various stages occuring in GPS system are described below ?
1. Generation of an output to the user
2. Detection of the GPS signals
3. Processing the data in the built-in-computer
4. Decoding the GPS signal
The correct sequence of the stages is?
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 2, 3, 4, 1
C. 2, 4, 3, 1
D. 3, 1, 2 , 4
Which one of the following statements is correct ?
A. Snow albedo falls at all wave length with the increase of grain size
B. The effect of grain size on reflection is maximum in the near-IR region
C. The effect of grain size on reflection is low in the visible region of the spectrum
D. All of these
The refractive index of the ocean water_______________?
A. Increases with salinity
B. Increases with temperature
C. Decreases with salinity
D. Decreases with temperature
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