.Management Sciences
Category: Agricultural economics
Building of new factories in particular nation by corporations of other nations ?
A. Discrimination
B. Direct foreign investment
C. Profit maximization rule
D. Economies of scale
Index measuring deprivation in basic human development in a country ?
A. Human deprivation index
B. Human poverty index
C. Human development index
D. None
The role of power in economic decision making is studied in________________?
A. Development economics
B. Traditional economics
C. Political economics
D. None of these
In developed countries manufactured goods are about ________________% of total export?
A. 60 %
B. 90 %
C. 57 %
D. 82 %
A schedule showing the amounts households plan to spend for consumer goods at different levels of disposable income is called________________?
A. Income schedule
B. Saving schedule
C. Consumption schedule
D. None
An analytic approach in which we move from general to particular from theory to facts is_________________?
A. Induction
B. Deduction
C. Specification
D. None
A decrease in the governmentally defined value of currency ____________________?
A. Inflation
B. Devaluation
C. Cheapness
D. All
__________________provides an overview of the operation of the capitalist system ?
A. Indifference curve
B. Income budget line
C. Circular flow model
D. Says law
The number of children who die before their first birthday out of every 1,000 live births?
A. Infant mortality rate
B. Children mortality rate
C. Crude mortality rate
D. All
Urban migration is causing the labour force to grow at annual rates of _____________in LDC?
A. 10-20%
B. 5-7%
C. 30-35%
D. 35-40%
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