.Management Sciences
Category: Agricultural economics
Using part of income/saving for more income is called_________________?
A. Investment
B. Busyness
C. Consumption
D. Entrepreneurship
“The tricks of economic growth and development are simply a matter of increasing national savings and investment.” Is a simplest form of?
A. Rostow growth stages
B. Keynesian development theory
C. Harod-Domar growth model
D. None
Obtaining the socially optimal amounts of goods and services using minimum necessary resources ?
A. Economic efficiency
B. Productive efficiency
C. Allocative efficiency
D. All
Legally established maximum price of a good or service__________________?
A. Ceiling price
B. Floor price
C. Max price
D. None
Building of new factories in particular nation by corporations of other nations ?
A. Discrimination
B. Direct foreign investment
C. Profit maximization rule
D. Economies of scale
Index measuring deprivation in basic human development in a country ?
A. Human deprivation index
B. Human poverty index
C. Human development index
D. None
The role of power in economic decision making is studied in________________?
A. Development economics
B. Traditional economics
C. Political economics
D. None of these
In developed countries manufactured goods are about ________________% of total export?
A. 60 %
B. 90 %
C. 57 %
D. 82 %
A schedule showing the amounts households plan to spend for consumer goods at different levels of disposable income is called________________?
A. Income schedule
B. Saving schedule
C. Consumption schedule
D. None
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