Author: Hamad

Max Weber_____________?

A. recognized that it is impossible for scholars to prevent their personal values from influencing their work
B. stressed that researchers had to maintain the confidentiality of their subjects
C. emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data
D. all of the above

Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to the design of a horizontal tube evaporator ?

A. It is unsuitable for concentrating those liquids, which form a scale or deposit salt
B. It is suitable for process, in which the final product is a liquor instead of solid
C. Its usual dimensions are: tube dia = 2-3 cms; evaporator body dia = 1-4 metres and evaporator
height = 2.5-4 metres
D. Liquor flows inside the tube, while the steam is outside submerging the tube