.Management Sciences
Category: Management information system – MIS
Which of the following reports presents information with little or no filtering or restrictions ?
A. non-filtered
B. summary
C. external
D. none of the above
Which installation strategy is a variation on the abrupt and parallel conversion ?
A. location conversion
B. staged conversion
C. partial conversion
D. hierarchical conversion
An _____________ is a set of processes and procedures that transform data into information and knowledge?
A. information system
B. Knowledge system
C. Database system
D. Computer system
Information management model involves four steps ________ , _________ , _________ & ________ ?
A. Diagnosis evaluation, design, implementation
B. Diagnosis, design, software, hardware
C. Hardware, software, DBMS, Data communication
D. None of these
The business re-engineering requires a major change in the ____________________?
A. Machine
B. Mindset
C. Material
D. Infrastructure
Which of the following phases identifies and expresses requirements, prioritizes requirements, updates project plan, and communications the requirements statement ?
A. logical design phase
B. decisions analysis phase
C. problem analysis phase
D. none of the above
The majority of publically available Internet information sources are______________?
A. created in XML
B. structured information
C. normal information
D. unstructured information
Cause-and-effect analysis is performed in the following phase of systems analysis________________?
A. scope definition phase
B. logical design phase
C. requirements analysis phase
D. problem analysis phase
Human and computers are ____________ in their ability to filter and save information?
A. Similar
B. Different
C. Complementary
D. None of these
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