.Management Sciences
Category: Language processors
Convert the 080D4E machine language instructions into assembly language, assuming that they were not generated by pseudo-ops_______________?
B. ADDA h#01FE, i
C. LOADA h#OD4E, i
D. STOREA h#014B, d
In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the term “Machine independent optimization” is associated with______________?
A. creation of more optional matrix
B. recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions
C. recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols
D. use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code
In which way(s) can a macro processor for assembly language be implemented ?
A. independent one-pass processor
B. independent two-pass processor
C. processor incorporated into pass of a standard two-pass assembler
D. all of the above
The Process Manager has to keep track of___________________?
A. the status of each program
B. the priority of each program
C. both A and B
D. the information management support to a programmer using the system
The advantage(s) inherent to using high level languages is/are________________?
A. A greater degree of machine independence
B. Improved debugging capability, and superior documentation
C. Fewer people, less management and shorter transition in learning time
D. All of the above
Indicate which of the following is not true about 4GL ?
A. 4GL does not support a high-level of screen interaction
B. Many database management system packages support 4GLs
C. A 4GL is a software tool which is written, possibly, in some third generation language
D. All of the above
In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler________________?
A. Linking
B. Loading
C. Allocation
D. Reallocation
Convert the .BYTE h#F8 assembly language pseudo-ops into hexadecimal machine language________________?
A. F8
B. 03 16
C. 0111EF
D. 42 65 61 72
The table created by lexical analysis to describe all literals used in the source program, is________________?
A. Reductions
B. Literal table
C. Identifier table
D. Terminal table
In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant value to the contents of register ?
A. index mode
B. indirect mode
C. absolute mode
D. immediate mode
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