.Management Sciences
Category: Urbanization in Pakistan
The current level of urbanization 32% in Pakistan is in SAARC Countries ?
A. Lowest
B. Normal
C. Highest
D. None of these
Urbanization Causes many Social problems as___________?
A. Inflation
B. Poverty
C. Unemployment
D. All of the above
Cultural restructuring has involved ?
A. regenerating cities in economic decline
B. turning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions
C. selling sites and images through the symbolic economy of media advertising
D. all of the above
Urban recycling is shorthand for______________?
A. encouraging existing residents to move out of an area
B. introducing local environmental strategies to an area
C. the refurbishment or replacement of old buildings and land
D. providing incentives for urban dwellers to use public transport
The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying ?
A. how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources
B. the forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city
C. the way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues
D. how men and women used the city’s public spaces differently
In past Pakistanis population had relatively ________ growth rate?
A. Low
B. Medium
C. High
D. None of these
In comparison with industrial cities preindustrial cities had ?
A. relatively open class systems
B. extensive social mobility
C. a much more rigid division of labor by gender
D. all of the above
Pakistan with a population of 160 million stands as the _______ largest population country?
A. Fifth
B. Sixth
C. Seventh
D. None of these
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