.Management Sciences
Category: Socialization
Learning behavior in a social institution or developing social skills is called________________?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Developmental socialization
D. None of these
Which of the following is considered a total institution ?
A. a university
B. a mental hospital
C. a factory
D. each of the above
Abstract sediments are________________?
A. closer to the center of the self than the moral rules
B. provide a focus for allegiance
C. are compellers of action
D. None of these
Arnett proposed an interesting distinction of types of socialization_______________?
A. high and low
B. broad and narrow
C. old and new
D. None of these
Turning points, a which people change direction in the course of their lives are_______________?
A. age norms
B. life events
C. social clocks
D. remarkably similar for men and women
Kaleem walks into the classroom just as another student has told the punchline to a very funny joke The room explodes in laughter Kaleem quickly checks to see that his shirt is buttoned correctly and that there is no toilet tissue clinging to her shoe Once he realizes the class isn,t laughing at him he settles down in his seat and asks the classmate to re-tell the joke This is an example of______________?
A. esoteric social readjustment
B. an egocentric bias
C. the looking -glass self
D. the formation of the self
Which sociologist distinguished between significant others and generalized others ?
A. George Herbert Mead
B. Charles Horton Cooley
C. Erving Goffman
D. W.I Thomas
The institution most closely associated with the process of socialization is the_________________?
A. family
B. peer group
C. school
D. state
A person does poorly on a college chemistry test and later tells a friend “The exam wasn’t fair! There were trick s and it covered material that we weren’t assigned “This is an example of____________?
A. reverse socialization
B. face-work
C. studied nonobservance
D. anticipatory socialization
The major development task(s) in middle adulthood include(s)________________?
A. sex
B. love and work
C. socialization
D. preparation for death
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