.Management Sciences
Category: Social Stratification
Carolyn supported her family by working as an administrative assistant She also attended law school and passed the bar she took a job with a small firm specializing in family law Carolyn experienced______________?
A. horizontal mobility
B. transgenerational mobility
C. vertical mobility
D. geographic mobility
Which one of the following is NOT associated with the materialist conception of history ?
A. the mode of production
B. the motor of history
C. the history of class struggle
D. the spirit of capitalism
Arlie Hochschild,s The Managed Heart is an influential application of_____________?
A. emotional labor
B. symbolic interactionism
C. social action
D. symbiosis
What is the idea that racism pervades all of society’s structures in a systematic way called ?
A. new racism
B. cultural racism
C. ethnocentrism
D. institutional racism
In Society in America which early sociologist gave special attention to status distinctions and to such factors as gender and race ?
A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Auguste Comte
D. Harriet Martineau
In modern societies social status is typically measured by a person_______________?
A. age
B. income
C. verbal fluency
D. occupation
According to functionalist’s society must be concerned with motivation because the duties associated with various statuses ?
A. are not equally pleasant
B. are equally important
C. offer individuals varying degrees of personal growth
D. are usually not defined
Each social class is a subculture with a system of______________?
A. Behavior
B. Set of values
C. Way of life
D. All of above
The idea that classes vary according to their possession of cultural capital is associated with_____________?
A. Max Weber
B. John Goldthorpe
C. Karl Marx
D. Pierre Bourdieu
__________ refers to the reputation that a specific person has earned within an occupation?
A. prestige
B. esteem
C. status
D. power
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