.Management Sciences
Category: Social and Cultural Change
Cultural lag________________?
A. refers to new forms of social disintegration
B. is the adjustment gap between material and nonmaterial culture?
C. occurs when the dominant group forces change upon the subordinate group which lags behind
D. is society’s way of avoiding the social problems that ensue from social change
________ is the process by which a society moves from traditional to industrial social and economic arrangements?
A. Development
B. Evolution
C. Modernization
D. Social change
Sociologists like Bordo (1993) have attributed the epidemic of anorexia in Western cultures to_____________?
A. a generally ascetic frugal lifestyle that can be taken to extremes
B. traditional images of women as emotional domesticated and unassertive
C. the social construction of mental illness through which normal patterns of behaviour are pathologized
D. the new ideal of independent self-assured femininity combined with cultural values of achievement and control
Dahrendorf Rex and Habermas focused their attention on_____________?
A. social solidarity and cohesion
B. the interpretive understanding of action
C. women’s experiences and gendered knowledge
D. power domination and conflict
The value-added model of collective behavior ?
A. presents three preconditions for collective behavior
B. states that each determinant expands the range of potential final outcomes
C. is of little use in understanding the complexity of collective behavior.
D. none of the above
Invention can be further divided into material inventions and social inventions democratic government is an example of____________?
A. material invention
B. Social Invention
C. both of these
D. None of these
_________ is a model whereby public funds are extensively used to promote economic development?
A. A welfare states
B. Democracy
C. State capitalism
D. Neo-democracy
E. A liberation government
The preoccupation with eating habits following the Atkins diet is an example of a(n) _____________?
A. fad
B. craze
C. interest
D. fashion
E. resistance
According to contagion theory the “mob mind” develops through_____________?
A. imitation suggestibility and circular reaction
B. precipitating factors structural strain and structural conduciveness
C. norms of the status quo emergent norms and new norms
D. fashions fads and crazes
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