Category: Sociology Mcqs

The conflict perspective would note that____________?

A. Physicians serve as gatekeepers for the sick role either verifying a patient’s condition as illness or designating the patient as recovered.
B. Patients play an active role in health care by failing to follow a physician’s advice
C. Multinational corporations based in industrialized countries have reaped significant profits dumping unapproved drugs on unsuspecting Third World countries.
D. The designation healthy or ill generally involves social definition by others

What is social role ?

A. an achieved occupational status
B. a persons overall social status within their family
C. a social position that becomes a master status for the person occupying it
D. socially defined expectations of people in a given social position

Harry Harlow conducted study of______________?

A. Isabelle and the impact of social isolation on the socialization process
B. Nell and the impact of social isolation on the socialization process
C. rhesus monkeys that had been raised away from their mothers
D. nature versus nurture that focused on sociobiology