.Management Sciences
Category: Physiology Mcqs
which of the following secretions has a very high pH________________?
A. Gastric juice
B. Pancreatic juice
C. Bile in gall bladder
D. Saliva
DOPA and 5 – Hydroxytryptophan are clinically important because______________?
A. They cross Blood Brain Barriers
B. They are acidic precursors of Brain amines
C. They act as neuromodulators
D. They are metabolites of various neurogentic amines .
Blood brain barriers is absent in all of the following areas except__________________?
A. Subfornical region
B. Habenuclear trigone
C. Area posterma
D. Neurohypophysis
The major functional difference between DNA and RNA is_____________?
A. RNA contains ribose
B. DNA carries the information in all organizations
C. DNA is localized in nucleus
D. RNA does not contain thymine
Reverse T3 is__________________?
A. Synthetic derivative
B. Isomerisation product of T3 and active
C. Isomerisation product of T3 and inactive
D. Reverse of T3
Histamine stimulate the secretion of_______________?
A. Gastrin by stomach
B. Pancreatic enzymes
C. HCL by stomach
D. Amylase by salivary gland
Centre of activity of autonomic nervous system is_________________?
A. Midbrain
B. Cerebrum
C. Hypothalamus
D. Pons
Normal intrapleural pressure during the start of inspiration is _________ mm of Hg?
A. -2
B. -5
C. 0
D. -7
An important non- respiratory function of lungs is_____________?
A. Anion balance
B. Sodium balance
C. Potassium balance
D. Ca+2 balance
The blood glucose level in diabetes mellitus is decreased by removal of the______________?
A. Thyroid
B. Parathyroids
C. Anterior pituitary
D. Posterior pituitary
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