.Management Sciences
Category: Physiology Mcqs
In conn’s disease, there is an excess of______________?
A. Adrenaline
B. Aldosterone
C. Cortisol
D. Noradrenaline
Sensory receptors for pain are_______________?
A. Pacinian corpuscles
B. End organs of Ruffini
C. End bulbs of Krause
D. Free nerve endings
True statement regarding hematopoiesis includes______________?
A. Spleen plays a major role in adults (in lymphopoiesis )
B. Committed stem cells differentiates into only one cell type
C. RES plays a role
D. None
During exercise_____________?
A. Cerebral blood flow increases if there is increase in systolic blood pressure
B. Body temperature increases
C. Blood flow to muscle increases after 1½ minute
D. Lymphatic flow from muscle decrease
Resting membrane potential of nerve fiber is_______________?
A. -70 mv
B. -90 mv
C. -55 mv
D. + 35 mv
Macula dense in kidney is located in relation to______________?
C. Afferent arteriole
D. Efferent arteriole
Wallenberg degeneration is seen in______________?
A. Proximal cut end of nerve with cell body
B. Distal cut end of nerve without cell body
C. Both the free ends of the cut nerve
D. All are true
The best stimulator of respiratory center is____________?
A. Decrease in arterial carbon dioxide level
B. Increase in arterial carbon dioxide level
C. Increase in arterial oxygen level
D. None of the above
Copious flow of watery saliva is secreted in response to _____________?
A. Parasympathetic stimulation
B. Sympathetic stimulation
C. CNS stimulation
D. sensory stimulation
Function of GABA on CNS is_______________?
A. Neuronal inhibition
B. Neuronal activation
C. Glial cell inhibition
D. Glial cell activation
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