.Management Sciences
Category: Hematology
Blood cells arise in bone marrow and are subject to______________?
A. Irregular renewal
B. Regular renewal
C. Infrequent renewal
D. None of the above
Which of the following represents most dangerous situation_____________?
A. Rh+ ve mother, who is bearing 2nd Rh+ ve child
B. Rh+ ve mother, bearing her 2nd + ve child
C. Rh+ ve mother, bearing her 1st Rh – ve child
D. Rh – ve mover, bearing her 1stRh + ve child
True statement regarding hematopoiesis includes______________?
A. Spleen plays a major role in adults (in lymphopoiesis )
B. Committed stem cells differentiates into only one cell type
C. RES plays a role
D. None
Clotting factor common to extrinsic and intrinsic pathway is_____________?
A. Factor II
B. Factor III
C. Factor V
D. Factor VII
The anticoagulant of choice used in the blood bank is_______________?
A. Calcium oxalate
B. Heparin solution
C. Acid citrate dextrose solution
D. Sodium fluoride
The biological anticoagulant is________________?
B. Sodium citrate
C. Hirundine
D. Double oxalate mixture
Intracellular and interstitial body fluids have similar______________?
A. Total osmotic pressure
B. Colloid osmotic pressure
C. Chloride ion concentrations
D. Potassium ion concentrations
Which of the following causes lysis of clot______________?
A. Fibrin
B. Plasmin
C. Hyaluronidase
D. Coagulase
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