.Management Sciences
Category: Central Nervous System
which receptor is responsible for monitoring the rate of muscle stretch ?
A. Nuclear bag intrafusal fibers
B. Nuclear chain
C. Golgi tendon organ
D. Pacinium corpuscles
Sympathetic stimulation causes ______________?
A. Arteriolar constriction
B. Ciliary muscle contraction
C. Sweat secretion
D. All of the above
Sensory receptors for pain are_______________?
A. Pacinian corpuscles
B. End organs of Ruffini
C. End bulbs of Krause
D. Free nerve endings
Resting membrane potential of nerve fiber is_______________?
A. -70 mv
B. -90 mv
C. -55 mv
D. + 35 mv
Wallenberg degeneration is seen in______________?
A. Proximal cut end of nerve with cell body
B. Distal cut end of nerve without cell body
C. Both the free ends of the cut nerve
D. All are true
Copious flow of watery saliva is secreted in response to _____________?
A. Parasympathetic stimulation
B. Sympathetic stimulation
C. CNS stimulation
D. sensory stimulation
Function of GABA on CNS is_______________?
A. Neuronal inhibition
B. Neuronal activation
C. Glial cell inhibition
D. Glial cell activation
Following are the changes during accommodation except_______________?
A. Constriction of pupil
B. Dilatation of pupil
C. Convergence of eye ball
D. Increase in the anterior curvature of lens
The temperature of body is controlled by_______________?
A. Medulla
B. Precentral gyrus
C. Diencephalon
D. Hypothalamus
Red colour blindness is called________________?
A. Deuteranopia
B. Protanopia
C. Protanomaly
D. Deuteranomaly
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