.Management Sciences
Category: Vectors And Equilibrium
An angle between two vectors A and B can be determined by_____________?
A. Their dot product
B. Their cross product
C. Head to tail rule
D. Right-hand rule
Which one is not a correct relation ?
A. AxB = -BxA
B. |AxB| = -|BxA|
C. AxB = AB Sinθn^
D. BxA = AB Sinθ(-n^)
The rectangular coordinate system is also called______________?
A. Polar coordinate system
B. Cartesian coordinate system
C. Cylindrical coordinate system
D. Spherical coordinate system
In which quadrant the two rectangular components of a vector have same sign ?
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. Both 1st and 3rd
D. 4th
Which one is not a type of dynamic equilibrium ?
A. Rotational equilibrium
B. Translational equilibrium
C. Static equilibrium
D. Both A and C are corret answer
If A=B, which of the following is not correct ?
A. A.B = A^ B^
B. |A| = |B|
C. |A^| = |B^|
D. AB^ = BA^
Three coplanar forces acting on a body keep it in equilibrium. They should therefore be_______________?
A. Concurrent
B. Non-concurrent
C. Parallel
D. Non-parallel
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