.Management Sciences
Category: Physical Optics
In monochromatic red light a blue book will probably appear to be_________________?
A. black
B. purple
C. green
D. no scientific reasoning available
A diffraction grating has 500 lines per mm. Its slit spacing or grating element will be equal to ____________________?
A. 500 mm
B. 5 x 10-3 mm
C. 2 x 10-5 mm
D. 2 x 10-3 mm
A light ray traveling form rarer to denser medium suffers a phase change of__________________?
A. 60°
B. 90°
C. 180°
D. 45°
In an interference pattern______________________?
A. bright fringes are wider than dark fringes
B. dark fringes are wider than bright fringe
C. both dark and bright fringes are of equal width
D. central fringes are brighter than the outer fringes
Light on passing through a Polaroid is ___________________?
A. plane polarized
B. un-polarized
C. circularly polarized
D. elliptically polarized
In double slit experiment we observe _____________________?
A. interference fringes only
B. diffraction fringes only
C. both interference and diffraction fringes
D. polirized frringes
Which experiment shows that wavelength of light is smaller than that of sound___________________?
A. Diffraction
B. Polarization
C. Interference
D. Reflection
Optical active crystals rotates the __________________?
A. vibrating plane
B. polarization plane
C. diffraction plane
D. interference plane
When light incident normally on thin film the path difference depends upon ________________?
A. thickness of the film only
B. nature of the film only
C. angle of indidence only
D. all thickness nature and angle of incidence
Longitudinal waves do not exhibit _____________________?
A. reflection
B. refraction
C. diffraction
D. polarization
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