.Management Sciences
Category: Nuclear Physics
Beta particles ionize an atom_________________?
A. Due to the electrostatic force of attraction
B. Due to the electrostatic force of repulsion
C. Due to a direct collision
D. Due to the gravitational force
Which one of the following radiations possesses maximum velocity ?
A. α-rays
B. β-rays
C. γ-rays
D. All of above have the same speed
For chain reaction to build up the size of the radioactive target should be______________?
A. Greater than the critical size
B. Less than the critical size
C. Equal to the critical size
D. All of above can build up a change reaction
In the nucleus of uranium, the number of neutrons will be _____________?
A. 92
B. 235
C. 143
D. Different for different isotopes
The fission chain reaction in a nuclear reactor can be controlled by introducing _______________?
A. Iron rods
B. Graphite rods
C. Cadmium rods
D. Platinum rods
CFC is used in _________________?
A. Refrigeration
B. Aerosol spray
C. Plastic foam industry
D. All of above
Which of the following radiations are suitable for the treatment of an infection in the interior of the body ?
A. α-rays
B. β-rays
C. γ-rays
D. X-rays
Why gamma rays are used to kill bacteria to sterilize surgical equipment etc ?
A. Chargeless
B. Massless
C. Highly penetrating
D. All of above
Pair production cannot take place in a vacuum as ________________?
A. Mass is not conserved
B. Energy is not conserved
C. Momentum is not conserved
D. The chargee is not conserved
Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons as compared to the mass of the resultant nucleus is______________?
A. Smaller
B. Greater than 82
C. Same
D. Sometimes smaller some times greater
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