.Management Sciences
Category: Pharmacology
The oropharyngeal and oesophageal candidiasis following long-term therapy with a broad spectrum antibiotic can be best treated with____________?
A. Griseofulvin
B. Amphotericin
C. Fluconazole
D. Sulfonates
Gastric irritation is minimum with one of the following non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs_____________?
A. Piroxicam
B. Tenoxicam
C. Meloxicam
D. Indomethacin
The dentist who first used Nitrous oxide for the abolition of pain due to dental extraction was_____________?
A. Harpes David
B. Harvey william
C. Horace wells
D. Hunter John
The following statements are true about intravenous route of drug administration EXCEPT____________?
A. It is useful in emergencies
B. Aseptic precautions are required
C. Bioavailability is 100%
D. Suspensions can be administered
Desfuroxamide is a drug used for____________?
A. Kala azar
B. Pernicious anaemia
C. Pain control
D. Thalassemia
1st past metabolism effect can be observed with which route______________?
A. Oral
B. Inhalation
C. Rectal
D. Parental
A distinict advantage that tetracyclines have over penicillins is that tetracyclines_____________?
A. Have no side effects
B. Do not cause superinfections
C. Are safer to use during pregnancy
D. Have a wider range of antibacterial activity
Which among the following anti-histamines, is Least likely to cause sedation_____________?
A. Promethazine
B. Diphenhydramine
C. Hydroxyzine
D. Loratidine
The potent anti arrhythmic drug which has little negative ionotropic effect valuable in patients with poor left ventricular function_____________?
A. Amlodipine
B. Bidoprolo
C. Amiodarnone
D. Digoxin
Tetracycline when given to pregnant woman can cause_______________?
A. Acute hepatic necrosis
B. Discoloration/ staining of hard structures of foetus
C. Increased intracranial pressure in infant
D. All of the above
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