.Management Sciences
Category: Pedagogy Mcqs
in Pedagogy computer is used to____________?
A. To motivate the learner
B. To provide feedback
C. To interact with the learner
D. For all the above
Projective techniques of measuring personality is superior to other techniques because:____________?
A. The examinee does not know that he is revealing his own self
B. Statistical analysis of the result is possible
C. They are easy to administer
D. None of these
Which of the following strategies is most suitable for introducing a lesson?
A. Demonstration
B. Questioning
C. Narration
D. Lecture
__________ is a teacher centered model that focuses on student’s activities being guided by the teacher?
A. Thinking Model
B. Pedagogical Model
C. Directive Model
D. Indirect Model
Circles of learning were formulated by__________?
A. Rogers
B. David Johnson
C. Roger and David Johnson
D. None of these
The able teacher is one who:____________?
A. Inculcates the interest in the subject among students
B. Helps all the students in passing the examination
C. Engaged the students in their work
D. Maintains peace in the class
If students do not understand what is taught in the class the teacher should:
A. Repeat the lesson once again
B. Teach the lesson again giving more examples
C. Proceed to the next Lesson so that syllabus could be covered
D. Checkup the previous knowledge of the students in the topic
The study of the physical, social and mental aspects of aging is called____________?
A. Esthetics
B. Genetics
C. Gerontology
D. Clinical psychology
An assessment use to determine a person’s ability in a particular field of studies is called_________?
A. aptitude test
B. diagnostic test
C. evaluation
D. measurement
The skill when students try to build abstract knowledge is called___________?
A. originating
B. characterizing
C. evaluating
D. synthesizing
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