.Management Sciences
Category: Oral Pathology and Medicine
Hemophilia is associated with____________?
A. Normal bleeding time normal clotting time
B. Normal bleeding time prolonged clotting time
C. Prolonged bleeding time normal clotting time
D. Prolonged bleeding time prolonged clotting time:
Necrotising ragged ulceration with no apparent inflammatory response is indicative of____________?
A. Leucocytosis
B. Polycythemia vera
C. Sickle cell anemia
D. Agranulocytosis
Hemosiderin pricticles are seen histologically in case of_____________?
A. Fibroma
B. Pregancy tumor
C. Peripheral giant cell granuloma
D. Papilloma
The common site of melanoma on the orofacial skin is_____________?
A. Lower lip
B. Malar region
C. Forehead
D. Upper lip
Lamina Dura is lost of partially lost in_____________?
A. hypothyroidism
B. hyperthyroidism
C. hypoparathyroidism
D. hyperparathyroidism
ID reaction is associated with______________?
A. apthous ulcer
B. herpetic stomatitis
C. syphilis
D. candidiasis
Common oral change seen with nutritional anemia is_____________?
A. Enlarged tongue
B. Atrophic glossitis
C. Generalized osteolysis
D. Focal marrow expansion
A patient is having severe mycotic infection diabetes mellitus and cellulitis is suffering with______________?
A. Mycormycosis
B. Histoplasmosis
C. Candidiasis
D. None of the above
In a 2 year old child, a bluish dome shaped swelling on the inner side of the lip is mostly_____________?
A. Hematoma
B. Mucocoele
C. Hemangioma
D. None of the above
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