.Management Sciences
Category: Pulp
Weil’s zone of pulp is__________?
A. Cell degenerated zone
B. Cell rich zone
C. Cell regenerated zone
D. cell free zone
The fibroblasts associated with capillaries are__________?
A. Plasma cell
B. Histocytes
C. Lymphocytes
D. Pericytes
Histologically the dental pulp most closely resembles______________?
A. Nerve tissue
B. Vascular tissue
C. Granulation tissue
D. Loose connective tissue
The plexus of Rashkov is present in which of the following zones in pulp ?
A. Cell free zone
B. Cell rich zone
C. Odontoblastic zone
D. Pulp core
Which of the following is true___________?
A. Pulpal pressure is highest among body tissues
B. Majority of nerve that enter the pulp are non myelinated and are sympathetic in nature
C. Plexus of Rashkow or parietal layers of nerves is formed by network of peripheral axons located adjacent to cell rich zone
D. All of the above
Protein secreted by odontoblast_____________?
A. Chitin
B. Keratin
C. Collagen
D. Elastin
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