.Management Sciences
Category: Pulp
The diameter of the largest arterial vessels in the pulp range from_____________?
A. 50-100 μm
B. 101-150 μm
C. 151-200 μm
D. 201-250 μm
Pericytes are found___________?
A. In thymus
B. Around capillaries of pulp
C. In gallbladder
D. Along with heparin on surface of mast cells
The size of apical foramen of maxillary teeth in adult is______________?
A. 0.4 mm
B. 0.3 mm
C. 0.2 mm
D. 0.7 mm
Pulp responds to all stimuli by pain because it has only_______________?
A. Free nerve endings
B. Krause end bulbs
C. Pacinian corpuscle
D. Ruffini corpuscle
Which of the following structures is not found in a living pulp ?
A. Collagen fibres
B. Haversian fibres
C. Non-myelinated nerve fibres
D. Reticulum
The dental pulp is derived form____________?
A. Dental papilla
B. Dental sac
C. Odontoblasts
D. Stellate reticulum
Size of pulp chamber____________?
A. Increases with age
B. Decreases with age
C. Increased in some cases and decreases in some cases
D. None of the above
The primary function of the dental pulp is____________?
A. Nutritive
B. Production of dentin
C. Production of enamel
D. Vascular supply to the teeth
Which of the following is not correct?
A. Free denticles are entirely surrounded by pulp tissue(free of dentin)
B. Embedded denticles are entirely surrounded by dentin (embedded in dentin)
C. Attached denticles are partly fused with dentin
D. False denticles contains many dentinal tubules
The development of pulp begins__________?
A. 6th week of IU
B. 8th week of IU
C. 10th week of IU
D. 18th week of IU
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