.Management Sciences
Category: Oral Histology
The type of fibrous element in enamel is_____________?
A. Tono filament
B. Keratin like fibre
C. Collagen fibre
D. Vimentin filament
Membrane coating granules may_____________?
A. Appear as circular with an amorphous core in keratinized epithelium
B. Originate from golgi system
C. Packed with tonofilaments
D. Helps in adhesion of fully keratinized epithelial cells
The type of epithelium lining maxillary sinus is_______________?
A. Simple columnar
B. Pseudo stratified columnar and cilliated
C. Stratified squamous
D. Simple squamous
Histologically the dental pulp most closely resembles______________?
A. Nerve tissue
B. Vascular tissue
C. Granulation tissue
D. Loose connective tissue
The plexus of Rashkov is present in which of the following zones in pulp ?
A. Cell free zone
B. Cell rich zone
C. Odontoblastic zone
D. Pulp core
Remnants of the Hertwig’s root sheath are found in____________?
A. Gingiva
B. Alveolar bone
C. Periodontal ligament
D. Cementum
Myoepithelial cells are present in________________?
A. Striated duct
B. Intercalated & terminal duct
C. Serous cells
D. Mucous cells
Acellular cementum is typically found in_____________?
A. Coronal half of root
B. Apical half of root
C. Apex of root
D. Entire root
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