.Management Sciences
Category: Oral Histology
Gubernacular canal guides the eruption of_____________?
A. Primary teeth
B. Permanent teeth
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
If cementum is not formed______________?
A. Ankylosis may occur
B. Exforliation of teeth occur
C. Delayed eruption
D. No change occurs
Which of the following is a rare occurrence______________?
A. Enamel meet cementum at a point
B. Enamel overlaps cementum
C. Cementum overlaps enamel
D. Both never meet
Specific stain for fat cells is___________?
A. Eosin & haematoxylin
B. Carbol fuschin
C. Sudan III
D. Cresyl violet
Cementum is_____________?
A. Avascular
B. Vascular
C. Has blood supply initially only
D. None of the above
Which of the following is non-keratinocyte ?
A. Langhan’s cell
C. Langerhans cell
D. Grey cell
In which of the following papillae of the tongue are the taste buds predominantly located ?
A. Circumvallate
B. Filliform
C. Foliate
D. Fungiform
Dehydration of specimen is carried out by____________?
A. By using 10% formalin
B. By using liquid or solid Co2
C. By using increasing percentages of alcohol
D. By using 5% nitric acid
The formation of which of the following does not represent normal physiologiacl process of dentin formation_______________?
A. Primary and secondary dentin
B. Secondary dentin and circumpulpal dentin
C. Tetiary dentin and sclerotic dentin
D. All of the above
All of the following cells of periodontal ligament are of mesenchymal origin except______________?
A. Fibroblasts
B. Multi totipotent cells
C. Cementoblasts
D. Cell rests of malassez
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