.Management Sciences
Category: Oral Histology
Intermediate plexus is absent in which of the following principle fibres_____________?
A. Gingival
B. Oblique
C. Horizontal
D. Transseptal
Metalloprotienases are used in which stage of the amelogenesis_____________?
A. Organising
B. Formative/ Secretory
C. Protective
D. Desmolytic
Haversion systems (osteons) are found primarily in the_________________?
A. Spongy bone
B. Periosteum
C. Alveolar bone proper
D. Endosteum
A. Due to alternate elevations and depressions in epithelium
B. Functional adaptation to mechanical impact
C. Disappeared in progressing gingivitis due to edema and this change is reversible
D. All of the above
The apical foramen of a fully developed permanent tooth is usually lined by_____________?
A. Dentin
B. Cementum
C. Epithelial rest cells
D. The Epithelial diaphragm
The shallow furrows on the enamel surface, where stria of Retzius end are known as _______________ ?
A. Cracks
B. Pellicle
C. perikymata
D. Enamel lamellae
The class of low molecular weight calcium binding proteins seen predominantly in developing enamel are_____________?
A. Enamelin
B. Amelogenin
C. Tuftelin
D. Ameloplakin
Ratio of diameter of enamel rods in the DEJ to the enamel surface is______________?
A. 1:4
B. 1:1
C. 1:2
D. 2:1
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