.Management Sciences
Category: Oral Histology
In considering the process of eruption, the pre-functional eruptive stage of a tooth begins when the_____________?
A. Bud stage begins
B. Cap stage begins
C. Bell stage begins
D. Dental lamina begins forming
Which of the following is not true___________?
A. Alveolar bone proper surrounds the root and gives attachment to fibres of periodontal ligament
B. supporting alveolar bone surrounds the alveolar bone proper and supports the socket
C. The cortical plates are thinner in maxilla than in mandible
D. They are thickest in anterior portion of jaw
Which of the areas of the tooth is most sensitive during cavity preparation ?
A. Enamel (anterior teeth)
B. Enamel (Posterior teeth)
C. Dentin
D. Dentinoenamel junction
Stratum Germinativum of the oral epithelium is the term given to_______________?
A. Basal cell layer
B. Granular cell layer
C. Spinous cells and granular cells
D. Basal cells and parabasal spinous cells
In resorption of roots of the primary teeth, the dental pulp_____________?
A. Plays a passive role
B. Becomes a fibrotic non-vital mass
C. Initiates resorption from the inner surface of roots
D. Aids in formation of secondary dentin slowing down resorption
Vonebners gland are_______________?
A. glands at apex of tongue
B. Posterior lingual mucous glands
C. Posterior lingual serous glands
D. Glosso palatine glands
Vitality of pulp depends on________________?
A. Blood supply
B. Nerve supply
C. Lymphatic supply
D. All of the above
In adult teeth, the type of dentin present underlying dentin-enamel junction is_______________?
A. Predentin
B. Mantle dentin
C. Interglobular dentin
D. Tertiary dentin
Carmalt’s glands are______________?
A. Major salivary glands
B. Minor salivary glands (Retromolar)
C. Minor salivary gland ( lingual)
D. Taste Buds
Ionic exchange between enamel surface and environment______________?
A. Does not take place once enamel surface and invironment
B. Stops after 2 years of eruption
C. Continues till adult life
D. Continues through out life
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