.Management Sciences
Category: Oral Histology
The dentin receptors are unique because_____________?
A. They elicit pain to hot and cold
B. They elicit pain to touch and pressure
C. They elicit pain to chemicals
D. Elicit only pain as a response
Group of fibres, which resist the masticatory forces___________?
A. Dentogingival
B. Transeptal
C. Oblique
D. Horizontal
Which of the following is true of cellular cementum ?
A. Forms during root formation
B. Forms after the eruption of the tooth
C. Seen at the coronal portion of the tooth
D. Formation is a slow process
The calcified mass found in the PDL are_____________?
A. Cementicles
B. Osteoblasts
C. Cementoclasts
D. Osteoclasts
Which of the following is least mineralized ?
A. Cementoid
B. Incremental line
C. Cellular cementum
D. Acellular cementum
Development of supporting tissues of the tooth is initiated by____________?
A. Cells of dental follicle
B. Cells of odontogenic layer
C. Cementoblasts
D. Cells of the gingiva
Stellate reticulum is seen in______________?
A. Dental lamina
B. Enamel organ
C. Hertwig’s root sheath
D. All of the above
True about myoepithelial cell______________?
A. Also known as basket cell
B. Structure is similar to smooth muscle and contains actin & myosin
C. The cell expel secretions by contraction
D. All of the above
Supporting cells of taste buds are called as_____________?
A. Sustenticular cells
B. Taste cells
C. Von ebner cells
D. Acini
Shape of enamel rod is______________?
A. Key hole or paddle shaped
B. Square
C. Round
D. None of the above
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