.Management Sciences
Category: Bone, AMJ And Maxillary Sinus
Fibres which continue from bone to ligament are_____________?
A. Sharpey’s fibres
B. Tome’s fibres
C. Ray’s fibres
D. All of the above
Reversal lines which may be seen on the cribriform plate (alveolar bone proper) of the alveolar process indicate the cessation of____________?
A. Osteoblastic activity
B. Osteoclastic activity
C. Myeloid activity
D. Healing activity
Which of the following is not true___________?
A. Alveolar bone proper surrounds the root and gives attachment to fibres of periodontal ligament
B. supporting alveolar bone surrounds the alveolar bone proper and supports the socket
C. The cortical plates are thinner in maxilla than in mandible
D. They are thickest in anterior portion of jaw
Haversion systems (osteons) are found primarily in the_________________?
A. Spongy bone
B. Periosteum
C. Alveolar bone proper
D. Endosteum
Alveolar process helps in providing_____________?
A. Support and retention to the complete denture
B. Boundaries for the tongue during speech
C. Attachment to muscles of facial expression
D. Support the natural teeth
The muscle which is commonly involved in myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome______________?
A. Lateral ptergoid
B. Massetor
C. Temporalis
D. Medial pterygoid
The intimal B cells of synovical memrbane of temporomandibular joint are_______________?
A. Fibroblast like
B. Macrophage like
C. Lmphocyte like
D. Plasma cell like
The process of recesses formation in maxillary sinus is most frequently seen with________________?
A. Zygomatic process
B. Frontal process
C. Alveolar process
D. Palatine process
Role of meckel’s cartilage in development of mandible__________________?
A. It has a major role
B. It has a minor role
C. It does not have any role
D. None of the above
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